If the components of your system can send and receive messages they can work together – sounds obvious doesn’t it.
You want to focus on your business, you don’t want to have to think about how the messages get from here to there – all you care about is the message content and that it arrives as quickly as you need it it to.
At Synergomic we have been working with messaging infrastructures for over 25 years.
- Bloomberg Open API
- Bloomberg BPipe and BPod
- Thomson Reuters Triarch
- Thomson Reuters RFA
- Thomson Reuters UPA
- OpenMAMA
… to name but a few.
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You understand your business and what your apps need to with the data – we understand the data, the APIs and the mechanics of getting the data into your applications reliably.
We have worked with clients on trading systems, portfolio management, trading cost analysis, risk and pricing systems, streaming data into CEP tools, streaming and filtering data into databases and, last but not least, delivering real-time data streams into Excel and managing the recalculation process.